Monday, November 18, 2019

Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character paper at affordable prices with writing help service!


William Wallace, is one of the most renowned freedom fighters in history. However, his arrogance was his most fatal threat. He thought he could go up against King Edward's forces, but his army was decimated during the battle of Falkirk. No man is perfect. With every great man comes an even greater flaw. Marcus Brutus is no exception. He is what Shakespeare called a "tragic character" a central character who possesses a critical flaw, and inevitably, meets his downfall.

Brutus' primary flaw is most certainly his undying love for his country, Rome. He would go to any lengths "if it be aught toward the general good" (p.1), no matter the consequences, even if it means taking his own life, or the life of his best and most loyal friend. Upon considering the idea of joining the conspiracy, he claims that he is willing to "set honour in one eye, and death i' th' other…..and look on both indifferently" (p.1). Unlike Cassius and the other conspirators, Brutus' intentions to kill Caesar are not related to jealousy, authority, money or respect. He honestly believes that when Caesar is crowned, he will abuse his power, and therefore, become a serious threat to Rome. ("I know no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general. He would be crown'd how that might change his nature" P.4).

Brutus compares Caesar to "a serpent's egg, which, hatch'd, would, as his kind, grow mischievous", and that he must be stopped at all costs before he is unleashed. Brutus believes that he can free his country from tyranny and bring liberty back to Rome. It is this extreme patriotism that forces Brutus to join the conspiracy and murder his best friend. As Brutus explains his actions to the people, he says that it was "not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more" (p.7). In the end, it is this sheer loyalty and devotion to his country that vanquishes the honourable Brutus. You could even consider Brutus a martyr, as he stood ready to surrender his life for Rome. ("As I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death" p.80).

Essay help on Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character

This everlasting faithfulness for his nation can be traced back to Brutus' idealistic and stubborn nature. Once he has set his sights on something, he will never turn back. Brutus' dogmatic character is clearly evident when he refuses to tell his noble and trustworthy wife about the conspiracy. He has decided that it be best for her not to know of the terrible secrets he is harbouring, despite her pleads and requests "Within the bonds of marriage, tell me, Brutus, it is expected that I know no secrets" (p.48) and "Giving myself a voluntary wound, here, in the thigh can I bear that with patience, and not my husband's secrets" (p.4).

Furthermore, when he is plotting with the conspirators, Brutus discards all of the other's suggestions as he believes he is right, and he won't take no for an answer, even though they are the ones who seem to be thinking clearly. In response to including the influential Cicero, Brutus' claims that "he will never follow any thing that other men begin", and in reply to assassinating Mark Antony, he says that their "cause will seem too bloody" (p.4). This becomes perhaps the most devastating flaw in the plans of the conspirators, and also in Brutus' character. He claims that Mark Antony "can do no more than Caesar's arm when Caesar's head is off" (p.4), however, here is where Brutus is utterly mistaken. Brutus believes that once they have slaughtered Julius Caesar, the people of Rome will see their noble cause, and they will not be branded traitors, but glorious heroes. Once Brutus believes something, he will see it through until the end. He is so confident he would march along the streets, his hands bathed in blood, crying out "Peace, freedom and liberty!" (p.6). Brutus claims that they should "kill him boldly" and "carve him up as a dish fit for the gods" (p.4), as if slaying Caesar would please the heavens. ("Our reasons are so full of good regard, that were you, Antony, the son of Caesar, you should be satisfied" p.74).

It is these two flaws that make Brutus blind to see his final lethal flaw that he is actually very gullible and easily persuaded. Right from the beginning Cassius is aware of this and takes advantage of Brutus through his susceptible nature. "Like a Colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonourable graves" (p.15), says Cassius to manipulate Brutus, and make him see things from his point of view. Next he uses flattery, claiming they are the "underlings" even though the name "'Brutus' will start up a spirit as soon as 'Caesar'". "Caesar…..why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is a fair name…..weigh them, it is as heavy", Cassius continues as he gradually corrupts the mighty and most noble Brutus, who is oblivious to all this.

Mark Antony also manages to deceive Brutus with his persuasive words. ("Friends I am with you all, and love you all, upon this hope that you shall give me reasons why, and wherein, Caesar was dangerous" p.74). He too uses flattery, claiming that he "shall not love Caesar dead so well as Brutus living; but will follow the fortunes and affairs of the noble Brutus…with all true faith". Of course, he is simply flattering Brutus, and later betrays him by turning the people of Rome against the conspirators and brands them as traitors.

So you see, every man, no matter how great, has his flaws. Even the most honourable and noble Brutus, whose sole purpose and beliefs were to serve Rome, became a tragic character. Identical to William Wallace, Brutus gave his life in support of his country and ultimately, came to his demise, regardless of his eternal love for Rome, its people, and the "general good".

Please note that this sample paper on Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Julius Caesar: Brutus as a Tragic Character will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, November 14, 2019


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on othello. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality othello paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in othello, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your othello paper at affordable prices with writing help service!

Preliminary English (Advanced) Assessment Task


Othello is a motion picture that was directed by Oliver Parker (18) which is based on the William Shakespeare play written in 160, with Lawrence Fishburne staring as Othello. This motion picture is cinematic. It relies not only on the spoken word but also on the visual images, movement of scenes, composition, camera angles, sound, music and skills of the actors playing the characters. This motion picture has been generally effective in presenting the ideas that Shakespeare conveys in the original text. The motion picture has been glamorized through the use of elaborate costumes.

The motion picture begins in the Italian city of Venice, a night on which it is very dark and misty which is a consistent mood for the opening scenes. The music is cold and eerie creating a sense of mystery and suspense with a feeling that something sinister is about to happen.

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As appose to Shakespeare's written text, this motion picture emphasizes more on visual images rather than the spoken word to deliver its central theme across. This motion picture portrays Iago in a better light than the audience would feel than from reading the text. Through his fabrication, deceitfulness and evil nature the audience would establish that Iago would be a gloomy man, with a sinister appearance always looking to cause trouble and spin the situation to his favor after reading the text. But in this production Iago is portrayed as a fair man, with light complexion, always looking to help his fellow man. His clean shaven appearance and glamorized costumes show he is a wealthy man with a respectable heritage. Little do the other characters know, but Iago is a dire man which they all find out in the horrific finale.

Throughout the entire motion picture, there is constant development of the use of camera and lighting which also enhance the viewing experience for the audience. At the end of each scene, there is always an intimate conversation between Iago and Roderigo. This acquaintance is central to the events which occur later in the text and motion picture, as they are plotting the demise of Othello. The voices Iago and Roderigo use are quiet with varying tempo; they speak in prose rather than in poetry which implies they are speaking about an idea. The camera focuses in, only showing these two characters and the emotions expressed on their faces. The pausing and dim lighting creates tension and a feeling of unrest, that these two are plotting an alliance together to over through Othello.

A prominent scene in the motion is where Iago is performing a monologue where the camera continually draws closer. It focuses on his face creating passion in his slow quiet voice with his eyes never leaving the audience. To have made such an impact when this play was performed in Shakespeare's time, they would have had only Iago on the stage with all the light off except for a spotlight aimed straight at him. His voice would have been loud and confident so that the whole theatre could hear him.

During the motion picture there are constant flashback scenes which show imagery of the past. This feature would be lost in Shakespeare's time as it would be impossible to show this. This feature gives the audience an enhanced understanding into the past of these characters thoughts.

A major source of light in the motion picture is candles which are scattered around every room. In the scene where Othello is about to kill Desdemona, he turns out all of the candles on his way to her bed chamber making the area all shadowy. This may symbolize that he is about to turn off Desdemona's light source by strangling the life out of her. This produces a threatening sensation where the audience knows that a tragedy is about to occur.

The music plays big role in creating an atmosphere in the motion picture. Music is an essential element in order for the audience to be captured in the production making them feel as though they are apart of the scenery, involved in the play. The music which is played in a particular scene gives great result to the acting skills. In a cheerful or joyful scene, gentle, flowing music is required to get the most out of it. Whereas in a violent, conflicting scene, loud, sharp and fast music is essential to get the hearts racing and the audience on the edge of their seat. When an important episode of dialogue is being performed the atmosphere is hushed so that every word and every pause can be heard to generate the dramatic desired effect.

With every successful motion picture, there is always a talented cast of actors and supporting actors. Oliver Parker has done a fantastic job in securing the correct actors for each character and has reaped the rewards through professionally produced motion picture. Lawrence Fishburne was the perfect Othello, his strong presence, on stage demeanor and his ability to transform himself into the real Othello. As appose to past actors who may have played Othello, Lawrence was naturally colored. Back in the time of Shakespeare, no colored men were allowed to perform on stage so they had to paint the actor in boot polish to give the appearance he was black. The fact Othello was black, may have been the motive for the slanderous attack on his personality. He was always referred to as the Moor, a black ram, a devil.

As the motion picture progressed, and as his situation became direr, Roderigo's appearance became increasingly worse, with his untamed beard running wild. From reading the text the audience would generally feel that Roderigo was a nice guy who got caught up in a scheme and his feelings of love towards Desdemona. I was first introduced to Roderigo in the opening scene additionally with Iago. At first, along with my class mates, I thought Iago was Roderigo. With his seedy exterior and receding hair I believed the darker featured man was Iago because of the way he was described and portrayed in the text.

Just from reading the text Othello, it is possible to gain an understanding and knowledge of what Shakespeare was trying to convey. However, the motion picture Othello gives the audience a highly improved perception of the characters, environment and overall message of what Othello is all about.Please note that this sample paper on othello is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on othello, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on othello will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from writing help service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Montana 1948 EssayMaturity

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Montana 1948 EssayMaturity. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Montana 1948 EssayMaturity paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Montana 1948 EssayMaturity, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Montana 1948 EssayMaturity paper at affordable prices!

may come at any age and time in a person's life. One moment he or she may be a carefree child, and then suddenly realize that they have been transformed into a mature adult by a powerful and traumatic experience. An experience they will remember their whole lives. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the adolescence of Jem and Scout is threatened one fateful night by a dangerous man bent on taking their lives. After this startling experience, they were never the same again. As a result, they rapidly matured into adults. Similarly, young David Hayden, the narrator of Montana 148 by Larry Watson, also encounters an equally traumatic event. He discovers that his uncle has been sexually assaulting Native American women in his town. This is a heavy burden for a twelve year old boy, especially since it reveals that his beloved Uncle Frank is the bad-guy. However, one discovers, as the novel develops, that David matures and grows in order to deal with this situation. He must come to understand what has happened and how the immoral actions of Frank will affect his family and its name. But most importantly, he must know that his integrity will be changed. He will learn shocking things that would mean nothing to a child, but everything to an adult. Larry Watson suggests that traumatic experiences transform children into adults. Therefore, disturbing experiences lead to changes of mind, growth in morals, and an emerging sense of adulthood. David changes his mind about Uncle Frank through the traumatic experiences regarding the discovery of Frank's secret actions. Uncle Frank used to be David's idol and David adored him. But that all changed when David's housekeeper and baby sitter, Marie Little Soldier, becomes violently ill and is in need of a doctor. Wes Hayden, David's father, calls his brother Frank, who is the town doctor, to come and see her. Strangely enough, Marie Little Soldier refuses to be alone in the room with Frank. Later on, Marie tells David's mother horrible things that Frank has been doing to Native American women. David's mother, Gail, tells Wes as David overhears. She says, 'Wesley, your brother has been raping these women. These girls. These Indian girls…' [David states] I was beginning already to think of Uncle Frank as a criminal…Charming, affable Uncle Frank was gone for good (47, 4). David always thought goodly of his uncle, until he heard these ghastly statements. All the attractiveness and appeal of Frank dissipated once David learned of his filthy behavior. David knew this information would change him forever. He takes another step toward adulthood by hearing and understanding what his uncle has done. David also knows that his opinion of Frank is changing. Young David Hayden grows in morals due to the shocking events of the summer of 148. Consequently, David learns a great lesson about morals from all the episodes that occur. Marie is found dead a few days after Frank goes in to see her. Frank claims she died of pneumonia. David's next door neighbor, Daisy McAuley, goes to their house to comfort Gail. Daisy treats David maternally and wants him to leave the scene of the crime. So she tell him to go over to her house and have a piece of pie. While he's there, David encounters the deputy sheriff, Len McAuley. Len is drunk and reveals the fact that he thought he saw Frank walking into David's house a little while before Marie was found dead. David discloses this and the fact that, he too, saw Frank. David confesses to his parents, …While I was sitting there I saw someone cutting across our backyard. There's a knothole you can see out of. I was pretty sure it was Uncle Frank. Then I got out and watched him go down the tracks. He was going toward town… (7). After receiving the shock of knowing his uncle is a fiend, David experiences a growth in morality. He chooses to tell his parents what he knows, or at least part of what he knows, about Uncle Frank. This shows that he is developing in the area of honesty. Before, David would have kept all this to himself, rather than face his parents with knowledge he knows will displease them.Through dreadful experiences, David feels an emerging sense of adulthood. David and his parents are not on good terms with David's grandparents because Wes locked Frank in his basement. Julian, David's grandfather, is very unhappy that Wes would lock up his own brother despite the fact that Wes saves Frank the humiliation of going to jail. David faces an even more intimidating threat when he notices that a few of the hired hands from his grandfather's ranch come to his house to try and break Frank free. He comments, These men must have figured, with Grandpa's help, that Frank was in the basement, and that rear door was the way they were going in after him… (1). David is close to being an adult because he realizes how he must act and the gravity of the situation in which he and his family are involved. By now, David has issued forth a sense of development and maturity. He is far from the child who once looked forward to visits from his uncle and visits to his grandfather's ranch. As an adult, he is concerned with the welfare of his family and his parents' well being, emotionally. David exemplifies this and stands by his family when they are in need. He does not desert them or feel shameful. He stays loyal and true to those he cares for and loves. Thus, he has shown his ability to act as an adult would. One can never be too sure when the innocence of childhood is lost, the sure thing is that everyone becomes an adult eventually, and that's when they lose their innocence. In many cases, this change from child to adult is a harsh one, often it is the realization that the world is not perfect. The shootings at Columbine is just one example. Those children were faced with the severe reality that death does not apply only to older people, but to anyone in the world. This revelation caused many of them to cease their immaturity and become an adult. And it was a very difficult task for many of them. One must be careful for corruption rears its ugly head where you least expect it. The loss of innocence signifies a person's metamorphosis from a child to an adult. Therefore, it is the events and happenings in life that trigger this change.

Please note that this sample paper on Montana 1948 EssayMaturity is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Montana 1948 EssayMaturity, we are here to assist you. Your on Montana 1948 EssayMaturity will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Team Leadership

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Team Leadership. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Team Leadership paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Team Leadership, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Team Leadership paper at affordable prices!

How do groups cohere? Historically, strong leadership and a shared culture have been the primary factors in determining collective unanimity within social groups. Managers today might not have absolute power of life or death over their staff, being restricted to hiring and firing in their power to enforce the hierarchy, and their corporate mythology might shade by comparison with that of, say, ancient Rome; yet, although managers today need to unite different people without the traditional binding agents of shared ethnicity or religion, unifying them in pursuit of tasks which can sometimes appear dreary even to the most committed worker, it is becoming abundantly clear that negative motivation the threat of unemployment is at best a limited management tool. Although the knowledge that keeping one's job is contingent on performance necessarily informs every worker's consciousness, fear alone breeds hatred, discord and consequently inefficiency. It is a truth almost universally accepted that a happy worker is a good one aside from such prerequisites as a pleasant working environment and the avoidance of overwork, it seems clear that a good team-spirit is the key to healthy morale. Working as a team increases people's sense of purpose, their feeling of belonging and consequently their productivity. In fact, a properly functioning team is absolutely essential for any business with more than one employee. If the rugby pack doesn't push together, they lose the game. Fortunately, for the twenty-first-century corporate manager, a support-structure, a science and industry of positive motivation, fitted for the contemporary market, has evolved. And one of its principal methods is that delineated in this section. The companies on show here specialize in removing workers from their normative contexts and involving them in challenging, unusual and entertaining activities, by which shared experience the group knits together, eliciting previously untapped interpersonal relationships and individual potential. It is important that we recognize the constructive use-value borne by play in relation to work, since the two exist not in opposition, but in symbiosis. The cooption of constructive play by the corporations is their masterstroke; for by simulating the activities of family and friendship within its aegis, the corporation inculcates comparable loyalties and energies among its workforce.

Gamesman Productions are currently leading the way in the provision of innovative team-building games to the corporate event industry. Neil Harvey, the owner (who previously made scenic props for such shows as 'The Phantom of the Opera'), aims to create a 'toy-box' sensibility in all Gamesman products, to effect a high visual impact and encourage a ludic attitude. Thus it is that Mr. Harvey's new game, 'Hell's Bells', uses imaginative play rather than the more divisive impulse of competition as its driving force. 'Hell's Bells' is designed to throw light on team dynamics, focusing on project management skills and team communication issues. For the manager, this is a handy side-effect of corporate team games, which become a means of observing one's colleagues at close hand, in a different light from usual, throwing their strengths and weaknesses into relief. 'Hell's Bells' itself is an unprecedented and impressive development, in which the participants have to construct a series of automata whose correct alignment will enact automatically a medieval story, which is the culmination of the game and the convergence of cryptic clues and riddles scattered throughout. The game can accommodate fifteen to two hundred participants, lasting from a minimum of two hours to significantly longer, depending on how it is supervised, keeping everyone involved and, of course, thoroughly entertained.

Now, a more martial model of group play is that perennial favourite of the corporate market, paintballing. Holmbush Paintballing has over ten years of experience at organizing paintballing events to boost morale and help to create firm business relationships with staff and clients alike. Situated on the prestigious ,500 acre Holmbush Estate, they offer tailored 'Paintball' events for all sizes of companies, both small and Blue Chip, supplying an action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled corporate day out. Paintball highlights the absolute necessity of communication and teamwork from all levels of staff. Players have the opportunity to practice and develop their leadership skills. Everybody is encouraged to be highly motivated to achieve success, and their decision-making and risk management skills are tested to the limit. Players have to combine their individual talents and create real working relationships, breaking down traditional work-place barriers in order to achieve the set objectives. Holmbush provides all the equipment necessary - which includes full camouflage uniforms, full-face masks and the paintball guns and all players are given a full half-hour safety briefing before any of the weapons are issued and the players go to any of the twelve different playing areas, each of which provides a different objective for the players to achieve. All the staff are fully trained in-house and are enthusiasts of the game. Each team is assigned a Marshal who guides you throughout the day, ensuring safety and fair play while in the varying 'Combat Zones'. At the end of the day the Marshals hold a Presentation where the teams' results are discussed and an award is given for the first and second placed teams.

A different kind of marksmanship can be found at the National Shooting Centre at Bisley Camp, the home of competitive shooting since 180. The Centre offers world class facilities for all shooting disciplines. This includes target rifle, gallery rifles, black powder pistols and air guns to name but a few. The Centre also plays host to international competitions. The National Clay Shooting Centre, which is incorporated within the National Shooting Centre, will open in July 001, with evening shoots held twice a week in the summer. The impressive new clay layouts have been built with the aid of a Lottery Grant from Sport England for the Commonwealth Games in 00 and include nine down the line as well as English and Olympic skeet, ABT, double trap and universal trench. A magnificent new clubhouse provides a focal point for the complex and includes catering facilities with a terrace that overlooks the ground and finals layout. The superb new layouts are equipped with seventy-two Materelli traps, covered stands, computer controlled scoring and acoustic release, all against a backdrop of over 000 acres of unspoilt Surrey heath land.

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground.

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground. paper at affordable prices with writing help service!


1) Bullying is a form of harassment, which makes a person feel unwelcome and/or uncomfortable. Some forms of harassment include physical harassment, verbal harassment, social harassment and sexual harassment. All these forms of bullying make a person feel powerless, afraid and isolated. The victim might also find it hard to concentrate in school. Every type of harassment, bullying or discrimination is illegal and the offender can be punished if caught.

) The offender/s can leave an imprint on a victim that stays with them their whole life. Some cases can be so bad that it results in suicide, this leads to the family members of the victim to sue the offender/s. That could make the offender find it hard to relate to their family and/or friends, because in reality, the offender has just murdered someone. Once a person has bullied someone else, the victim has been left feeling helpless, frightened, and secluded. But this only happens in the long-term. Short-term affects may be a person feeling uncomfortable and/or not wanting to socialise with family and/or friends.

) There are many ways of controlling what happens to you, one way is the 'ARE YOU BEING BULLIED OR DISCRIMINATED AGAINST?' plan which can be found in the 00 Marist College Ashgrove Diary. It is as follows

Cheap college papers on Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground.


You CAN control what happens. Don't retaliate either physically or verbally.

(A) Show it doesn't upset you ignore it.

If the harassment stops no further action is needed.

(B) Speak to the person harassing you. Tell them the behaviour is illegal and unwanted.

If the harassment stops no further action is needed.

(C) Tell someone this is reporting abuse, not 'dobbing'. Talk it over with

• Your tutor teacher

• The school counselor

• Designated senior student

• Any member of staff with whom you feel comfortable

• Your head of house.

If the bullying stops no further action is needed. If it continues the matter will need to be addressed further with the Deputy Headmaster.


The purpose of the Bullying Survey is to show students how bad bullying can be in the playground. It is also made so students that usually bully other people by verbal social or physical harassment would maybe start to feel as if people know what they are doing or feel guilty and stop straight away so they don't get into trouble. Another reason they conducted this survey was to outline to the teachers and the counselor how bad the bullying is at Marist College Ashgrove. I think they targeted Ephrem, Foley, Harold, Ignatius, Rush and Slattery because I think the teachers where studying them and they came to the conclusion that those six houses are the ones that needed the most help, at the time of when it was conducted.

Here are some graphs that came from the bullying survey; I chose these because I thought our class could relate to them the best.

1) Name calling, is a big issue at Marist College Ashgrove. This is because boys think that verbally harass someone is okay, because it doesn't leave a physical imprint on the person, but it can seriously hurt people's feelings. In our class, I think name calling is the major thing that is going on around inside. Students become very annoyed and angry at certain people because they constantly do this in class time. The people that call other people names waste the teachers teaching and other students learning time, which is illegal.

) Another thing that struck me was Exclusion in the classroom. This is because a few people in our class get excluded from certain activities occasionally, whether it is choosing your own working groups or playing groups. This makes a person feel extremely weak and small, and is another form of harassment.

) One more thing that I think happens is that boys threaten other students with violence, even if they are only joking; it is against school policy and should not happen. And if it is seriously for real, the person that is being threatened should see a member of staff to ask for the appropriate actions.


1) Yes, I think it does effectively respond to the social issue of "Bullying and Harassment" because it gets straight down to the point, and is more thorough than the current safe school policy, because it goes into how you can control what happens to you, and it has a small check list, so you can decide if you are a bully or not.

) Yes, it is a very practical document for both parents and students because it tells students how to control what is happening to them in the playground, and it has a series of points to read for parents so they can find out if their child is being harassed or not. It also reminds the students that are being harassed that they too have rights, and the person doing the bullying isn't allowed to.

) The one strategy that I think could be most affective is reporting abuse to your head of house, deputy headmaster or the headmaster, because these three people have the most power and have access to different types of punishment. The penalty for harassing someone should be suspension and these people have the power to do that. If the teachers should catch a person bullying someone else, the teacher will report him to their Head of House, and should be given a full-day suspension from the college and a Friday afternoon detention.

4) A few ways of which that would help both the victim and the bully deal with the stressful effects of bullying are the two families meeting each other and talking about either by themselves or with a counselor, either a face-to-face warning with the victim and the bully or a formal warning (a letter to the parents of the bully). They can both over come these stressful and harmful effects of bullying by not seeing each other again, even if that means moving schools. Or they can overcome them by seeing a counselor either separately or together. This should put everything back to normal. If the effects of bullying are still disturbing either the victim or the bully, they could try and talk together, alone, and maybe find out that they have more in common that was first thought, and after that they could become more friendly and not bother each other any longer.Please note that this sample paper on Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground., we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Bullying - An insight to what goes on inside the playground. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss.

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss. paper at affordable prices with writing help service!

The drama of the novel Girl with a pearl earring, centers around the tension created between what people want and what is permitted, especially when it comes to the main character, Griet. She is very much 'bound' because of her lower class and poverty. Chevalier has skillfully brought to life an imagined character, whose situation and behaviour are quite true to the novel's historical setting. Griet suffers considerably, in a number of ways (in which we feel for her), including her being forced to go into service because of her family's poverty, her being mistreated in the Vermeer household, her being looked down on despite her obvious abilities knowing that if she follows her instincts with the artist she will be damned, and so on. Although Griet suffers a great deal of unfairness, she develops throughout the novel and learns to deal with the situation she is dealt.

Griet is illiterate and comes from a poor family. The truth is she never really had the option of being categorized as a 'lady', the term given to the wife or daughter of a rich man. In that era, Griet was limited to doing only the domestic work that every girl would have learnt in the home. She has no career prospects. She has only one seemingly 'escape' route, that being Pieter and his willingness to marry and provide for her. She is also being pressed to accept Pieter as a suitor, despite the fact that she doesn't want him. This is because she is her family's only hope for a more comfortable life. After all, "a butcher's wife- and her parents- would always eat well". Thus, we feel for her, as she isn't able to live outside this square that is her life's limits.

Griet's involvement with the master Vermeer (whether emotional or artistic), leads to the creation of a very insightful Griet one that, in another time, might have been an artist too. After all, her father is a tile maker and she has an intuitive visual sense too. However, the unfairness of Griet not being able to realize her potential is again emphasized. She feels she should not help the master because doing so would heighten Catharina's jealousy, a woman that holds power over Griet. This girl possesses a high degree of intelligence, often pointing things out to Vermeer, even moving things around so that the composition of the painting becomes "balanced". All of this advice Vermeer accepts. She has a keen eye, firstly seen in the opening chapter of the book, where she places the chopped vegetables in a neat colour wheel. No wonder Maria Thins refers to her as a "clever girl". However, the distress of this restriction (that she cannot pursue this interest further) is additionally sharpened by our and her realization that she is this clever, artistically gifted girl. She is allowed to glimpse the rich world of art and work alongside a great master like Vermeer, but she is then forced to go her own way condemned never to reach her artistic desires.

Van Leeuwenhoek can see the potential in Griet and hence urges her to remain herself, to not get so lost in the world of Vermeer, who "sees the world only as he wants it to be, not as it is." Vermeer changes Griet; he makes her think she may have a chance. He turns her into that 'lady', from the moment he mentions her wearing the pearls. He cares more for the painting of Griet rather than her own person. She realizes this and thinks Vermeer has "ruined her." The secret portrait of Griet is symbolically giving her to the rich man, van Rujiven, in return for the money the artist makes, and van Rujiven's continuing patronage. There is no hint whatsoever in the text that Vermeer was even thinking about giving up his wife, his family, his link to society through his art, just so he could be with Griet. He saw himself as much too much of a respected member of community to do so. Their liaison, the course of her painting, could never be more than a man and his mistress relationship- and not even that, seeing as Vermeer was surrounded by a household of women, and possessed little money himself. That leaves only a dalliance between the two, and one as much of the mind as the body. The painting being finished, Griet begins to "cry silently". She knows what has happened that she has had a glimpse into possibilities beyond her limited life, she has had a taste of them, but she will never be permitted to reach them. For that, we feel for her. She returns to the eight-pointed star and ponders her options. There was only one option there that was truly possible for her to undertake it was the "choice she knew she had to make."

Cheap research paper on Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss.

Life for Griet throughout the course of this novel could be debated as being unfair indeed, she is condemned to never reach the possibilities which she glimpses that are beyond her limited life. However, note that she emerges intact and well taken care of. She is pretty, made to live forever in a painting, married to a prosperous merchant, her brush with notoriety forgotten, with two boys and no fear of hunger. In comparison to poor Tanneke and the widow Catharina, she has come out of this the victor. Griet chose the only way open to her, as would have been open to any similar girl living during that time. She chose the safety of a marriage to a man who loved her. She chose the socially acceptable role of wife and mother. Any other path chosen would have jeopardized her reputation, with the potential of leaving her a "fallen woman". While we feel for Griet never being able to enter those possibilities she dreamt of, we find solace in that deep down, given her circumstances, we knew she would never reach them and rejoice because she has made the most of her situation.Please note that this sample paper on Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Topic: "We feel for Griet, who glimpses possibilities beyond her limited life, but is condemned never to reach them." Discuss. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, November 1, 2019

"The Effects of Immunizations"

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "The Effects of Immunizations". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "The Effects of Immunizations" paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "The Effects of Immunizations", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "The Effects of Immunizations" paper at affordable prices!

The birth of a child is truly one of life's most amazing experiences. To hold that tiny little life in your arms is a feeling like no other. It is at that moment that you pledge your life to loving and protecting this innocent newborn. Parents want nothing but the best for their children. From reading all the latest books on childrearing, to examining the ingredients in every jar of baby food, there is nothing we won't do to ensure the safety of our little ones. Yet, the most important aspect of our children's well being just might be the one aspect that could endanger their lives without even knowing it. The hidden dangers behind immunizations are more harmful than the diseases they are made to prevent.

Childhood immunizations are perhaps one of the greatest medical successes of the twentieth century, as they have virtually eliminated diseases that used to harm, or even kill thousands of children. Consider that before vaccines, each year polio paralyzed 10,000 children, rubella (German measles) caused birth defects and mental retardation in as many as 0,000 newborns, Pertussis (whooping cough) killed 8,000 children, most of whom were infants (Fulghum, May 00). Under perfect conditions vaccines work to protect us. But vaccines are not 100 percent effective for reasons related to the individual person. The susceptibility of different children is not taken into account at all at the time of vaccination. No one knows exactly how a particular child's body will to react to the many different vaccines given on a routine basis.

In fact, the number of recommended vaccines has increased severely over the years. One hundred years ago, children received 1 vaccine (the smallpox vaccine). Forty years ago, children received 5 vaccines routinely (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, and Smallpox vaccines) and as many as 8 shots by years of age. Children now receive a total of 5 vaccines, in the form of 15 shots; by the time they are 6 months of age, if they receive all the recommend shots (Scheibner, PhD). Vaccines work to protect children from undeniably horrible diseases. Yet, the side effects of certain vaccines can be more harmful than the disease itself. Studies have proven that preservatives added to certain vaccines, meant to prolong the life of the vaccine, have in fact, been linked to Autism, permanent brain damage, severe neurological disorders, and on rare occasions, death. (VICP)

From the moment your child is born, the first immunization your child will receive is Hepatitis B. Then at two months they will receive a second dose, along with DTP, OPV (oral polio), and HIB (Hemophilus Influenza type B conjugate) immunizations. What your Pediatrician will most likely fail to explain is that along with those highly recommended vaccines, your child has also just received Thimersol (mercury), MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, and phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), among many other things. All in all, between 50 and 6.5 micrograms of toxic poisons have just been injected into your child's bloodstream (VICP).

Thimersol is the most commonly used preservative in vaccines that are marketed in the United States. It is used to help prevent a vaccine from spoiling, and in preventing bacterial contamination of the final product. Several of the vaccines routinely recommended for children contain Thimersol, such as Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, and Influenza vaccines. To explain it on this level, Thimersol sounds like an extraordinary ingredient, right? Now, what if I were to tell you that Thimersol contains nearly 50 percent of a highly toxic substance called Methyl Mercury (USPHS). Do I have your attention yet?

Methyl Mercury is one of the most toxic elements on earth and its exposure has been linked to neurological, sensory, and motor disorders, as well as behavioral dysfunction. American children receive 7 micrograms of Methyl Mercury through vaccines by the age of two. (USPHS). Reports have surfaced linking Thimersol to mercury poisoning in infants often causing Autism, a neurological disorder that impairs language, cognitive and social development (VTCA). As horrible as these side effects are, unfortunately, they are not as horrific as the reaction that Ritchie Fisher had after his regular check up.

Ritchie was a thriving two-month-old baby boy when his mother took him in for his routine examine. His pediatrician explained some of the normal reactions to the DPT (Diphtheria Toxiod) vaccine that Ritchie would be receiving that day, such as slight fever, diarrhea and fretfulness. Later that evening little Ritchie awoke from his nap screaming in pain and the injection area swelled and purple. Still, Ritchie wasn't running a fever. In fact, he was cool to the touch with ice-cold hands, so his mother didn't overly worry. While Ritchie's mom was giving him a bottle, he suddenly became limp and stopped sucking. Alarmed, she called the doctor and described the symptoms to him. The doctor stated these were normal reactions and didn't seem the least bit worried. Within minutes, Ritchie died in his mother's arms. It had been seven hours since he had been injected with his first DPT shot (NVIC).

Sadly, the DPT vaccine is only one of several that has jeopardized the lives of innocent children. The 00 immunization schedule is promoting forced Hepatitis B vaccinations for all infants before being discharged from the hospital. This is being done without truthfully informing the public about the risks of the Hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B is a virus that is acquired through exposure to infected blood or body fluids. The virus results in liver damage as the body responds to the virus (Dr. Mercola). Granted, this is a serious disease with severe repercussions. Yet, the risks of side effects to the Hep B vaccine far outweigh the chances of being exposed to the disease itself.

With the Hepatitis B vaccine, the drug companies have removed the Methyl Mercury that is contained in Thimersol, and replaced it with aluminum, which is another potent neurotoxin. The Hepatitis B vaccine has been associated with respiratory infections, convulsions, swelling of the brain, severe neurological damage, and death (VAERS). Considering that the Hep B vaccine comes in a series of three doses over a three-month period, the chance of reaction is tripled. It is mandatory that all newborns receive the first dose of the Hep B vaccine before leaving the hospital.

Sadly, a great number of babies die within days of birth after receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine (VAERS). A perfectly healthy newborn baby, your healthy newborn baby receives the first dose of the vaccine just hours after birth. Suddenly your baby begins to deteriorate, and usually develops some sort of infection. Then comes the second and third injections, and tragedy strikes your baby cries intensely, stops feeding properly, and stops sleeping. Helplessly, you watch as your child begins convulsing with accelerating deterioration of his condition, and mainly, his brain function. You may be thinking to yourself "This won't happen to my child", and in reality it probably won't happen to your child. Then again, Michael Belkin felt the same way before the birth of his son.

Nicholas was no different from any other baby. He ate well; he slept well, and was active and alert. Then, on the 1th day of Nicholas' life, he was given a Hepatitis B shot at his routine check-up. His father said " That night I noticed that Nicholas was crying a lot. In fact, he was screaming most of the time. Nicholas cried on and off for most of the night. The next morning, his mother found him dead in his crib. From the way he looked, he had been dead for several hours." Nicholas' cause of death was listed as severe neurological swelling of the brain. He died 18 hours after receiving his first Hepatitis B vaccination.

If reading the stories of Nicholas Belkin and Ritchie Fisher caused you to become teary eyed, good. The whole point of recounting these horrible experiences is to make parents stop and think about the chances that are taken with their child's life. Parents are the only source of protection that these innocent children have. And the only way for parents to protect their children is to become educated about the risks involved. You have the ultimate responsibility for your child's health and well-being and you, not your doctor or state or federal health officials, will live with it, and be responsible for the consequences of your decision.Please note that this sample paper on "The Effects of Immunizations" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "The Effects of Immunizations", we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on "The Effects of Immunizations" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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